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How to Make Your Shopify Logo Link to a Product Page? Hero

If you're running a Shopify store, you might want to make your logo link to a specific product page instead of the homepage. This can be particularly useful if you have a featured product you want to highlight or if you're running a single-product store. Here's a simple guide on how to do it.

Step 1: Login to Shopify Admin Panel

Shopify login page

First, log in to your Shopify admin panel and go to "Online Store" > "Themes". Find your current theme and click "Actions" > "Edit code".

Online store dashboard in shopify

In the theme files, look for the "header" section. This is usually named "header.liquid". Within this file, search for the code that displays your logo. 

Header.liguid file in shopify

It code will typically looks something like this:

<a href="{{ routes.root_url }}" class="header__logo-image">
  {{ shop.brand.logo | image_url: width: 250 | image_tag }}

To change where the logo links to, you just need to modify the href attribute. Replace {{ routes.root_url }} with the URL of your product page. For example, if you want to link to a product with the handle "formal-shirt",your code would look like this:

<a href="/products/formal-shirt" class="header__logo-image">
  {{ shop.brand.logo | image_url: width: 250 | image_tag }}

Step 3: Updating The Changes

After making this change, save your file. Then, preview your theme to make sure the logo now links to the correct product page. 

Saving the header.liquid file in Shopify

That's it! You've successfully changed your logo link to a product page. Remember, if you're not comfortable editing code, you can always reach out to a Shopify expert for help.

Keep in mind that some users expect the logo to lead to the homepage, so you might want to ensure there's still an easy way for customers to get back to your main page. Also, if you're linking to a seasonal product or special promotion, don't forget to change it back when the promotion ends.


By making this simple change, you can potentially increase visibility for a specific product and streamline the shopping experience for your customers. This small tweak to your store's navigation can have a significant impact on user engagement and potentially boost sales for your featured products. Remember to monitor your store's performance after making this change to ensure it aligns with your overall business goals.

Expert Shopify Development Services by F22 Labs

While the process we've outlined is relatively simple, we understand that not everyone is comfortable modifying their store's code. That's where F22 Labs comes in. As experts in Shopify development services, F22 Labs can handle all aspects of your Shopify store customization, from simple tweaks like changing your logo link to comprehensive store overhauls.

Don't let technical challenges hold your e-commerce business back. Contact F22 Labs today and take your Shopify store to the next level with their professional Shopify development services.

Author Detail

Author-Murtuza Kutub
Murtuza Kutub

A product development and growth expert, helping founders and startups build and grow their products at lightning speed with a track record of success. Apart from work, I love to network & Travel.


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