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SaaS Development Services

SaaS products built by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs


Our Happy Clients

What is “SaaS”

The term "SaaS" refers to Software as a Service. In simple words, a cloud-based software solution that solves a problem for the user, with minimal or no manual intervention. Usually, this software is paid through a recurring subscription model.

SaaS Product

Regular Service Software


SaaS Product

SaaS is when the service is fulfilled completely by the software. A human may just act as an enabler of the product.

Key Features

  • Scales linearly need more manual resources to scale.
  • Involves humans to complete the service.
  • Accessible only where the service is provided/available by manual resources
  • Pay per transaction.
  • Example: Gmail, Zoho books.

SaaS Development Services We Offer


User Onboarding

Our SaaS development company builds optimized and user-friendly onboarding processes to ensure your users ‘get’ all that your SaaS application has to offer immediately or within a short span of time. As users are shopping around and comparing various SaaS products for their problem/use case.


Customer Delight

A product developed by our SaaS development agency must not only meet user expectations but delight the customer and bake in ‘aha’ moments for the user to immediately see value in the product. We help our customers craft user journeys with Aha moments baked in.


Product Led Growth

SaaS products can be hard work. Our dedicated SaaS development services create flywheels within our products to leverage our users and their usage of our product to automatically bring in more users.


Pricing Strategy

Pricing in a SaaS architecture is critical. We build a comprehensive pricing strategy for our clients by researching competitors, the market, and what the users would be willing to pay.


Migration from Regular Software to SaaS

Our team has expertise in planning and executing complex migrations of existing on-premise software solutions into cloud-based SaaS solutions without much downtime and affecting day-to-day business operations.


Enhancing your Product to a Global SaaS

Updating an existing SaaS platform to cater to a wider or global audience. This could include features like integrating multiple payment gateways, internationalization, etc.


Complete SaaS Development

End-to-end SaaS application development services from roadmapping, prototyping, designing, development & testing. Become an extended dedicated development team helping a firm focus on other important aspects of their business.


Application & Data Security

With an increasing number of cyber-attacks and data breaches, Data and Infrastructure security becomes a top concern for global CTOs and CIOs. With our expertise in data and infrastructure security, our clients can rest assured that their customer’s data is safe from attacks.


Designing & Prototyping

Brainstorming a design from a sketch into a full-fledged prototype. Keeping User Experience as the centrepiece, we build sleek, responsive, dynamic, easy-to-use, modern, and high-converting designs.


Minimum Maintenance, Maximum Performance

Our SaaS product development is done by keeping in mind that they would go through multiple iterations based on market feedback. So they’re designed to be flexible to future changes and require minimum maintenance.



We do not just build and forget. Like any other product, a SaaS product also needs to have the right analytics in place so the KPIs can be measured to track the success of the product and to understand strong and weak areas to further improve and tighten the product.


KPI Dashboards

With the KPI dashboards that we build, leadership teams have both a macro-level view of the health of the product as well as dive deep into micro-level numbers on specific KPIs and features.


SaaS Cloud Cost Optimization

A major chunk of the operating costs for a SaaS business development is the cloud costs on which it is hosted. We build highly optimized SaaS solutions that need minimal cloud resources and hence keep the monthly cloud costs low for our clients.

How Do Investors Evaluate a SaaS Startup?


Investors look at numbers. They need to be aware of CAC, ARR, MRR, ARPU, LTV, and LTV:CAC ratios to figure out if a startup can be successful or not.


SaaS provides stickiness to a user, once the users are comfortable & find benefits for their business, they are likely to stay with the product for a long period of time.

Painkiller vs Vitamin

Investors is interested in Pain Killers. Something that solves a painful problem in the life of its customers. Must-have SaaS products (Pain killers) are preferred over Nice to have products (vitamins).

Our SaaS Development Process

Product Roadmapping

Design & Prototyping


Continuous Integration & Delivery

QA & Testing

Post Launch Support


We conduct extensive research and develop a roadmap for your product. 

We ask hard questions and drill down to understand the need for a SaaS solution as well as the best answers to the problems you're trying to solve. We study rival SaaS products in the market and record our findings in our detailed functional and technical requirements.

Our team can design, develop & deploy projects with finesse & speed.

Reasons Why Clients Choose F22 Labs For Their SaaS Development

Be Assured of the Best

We hire only the most talented designers and developers with strong formal education, good product thinking, good communication, and soft skills.

Transparency on Pricing

We make sure there is transparency on pricing, so you know how much you pay for each resource and the time spent on the project. We don’t bullshit with blended rates where you have no clue how much you’re paying and for which resources.

Transparency of Resources

We provide full transparency and direct access to all team members working on your SaaS application, including their skills, experience, and roles. You can communicate, brainstorm, and collaborate with everyone on the team.


Our SaaS development team is experienced with various project management tools and can use your preferred tools to eliminate any learning curve. Although based in India, we ensure a 2-4 hour overlap with your timezone for effective collaboration.

Expertise in SaaS Domain

Our experienced team of SaaS experts will bring their wealth of knowledge and experience and hit the ground running. This is thanks to working on successful SaaS solutions spanning various industries and tech skills.

Customer Obsessed

Our team is screened for very high Empathy and Emotional Quotient. Our team of designers and developers is obsessed with how end users would use their work.

Problem Solvers

We love solving problems. When unforeseen issues arise, our entire F22 SaaS team—beyond those dedicated to your project—comes together, leveraging our collective expertise and experience to find solutions. You can always rely on us to tackle any challenges effectively.

First Principles

Our team will challenge your assumptions and ask hard questions. We collaborate to understand your vision and as a result, build the best SaaS solution for the problems you’re solving.

Employee Growth

We have a flat hierarchy and employees are (almost) their own bosses. Each member of the F22 Labs team is extremely passionate about their work, ambitious, and hungry to learn, and are given opportunities to grow and sharpen their skills.

Research-Driven UI UX

Our aim is to put ourselves in the customer's shoes to understand how a product should work. Our UI and UX team has gained experience in designing multiple SaaS products, giving you a competitive edge starting with F22 labs.

Continuous Maintenance & Support

We ensure that we provide constant support when the SaaS software is deployed. We provide our support to ensure there is no disruption in customers' usage. Our team of experts monitors your performance and ensures you stay one step ahead of your competition.

Industry Focused SaaS Applications We’ve Built

Industry domain


Subscription for people to come and learn courses on a Monthly basis

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Industry domain


Subscription model Converts a document to a voice note.

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Industry domain

HR & Mentoring

Mentoring platform Usage-based pricing Connects the employees together for mentoring & training.

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Industry domain


Celebrity video requesting platform Pay-per-use basis.

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Industry domain


Fitness app tracker Freemium along with the watch.

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Industry domain


Connects doctors with patients and helps in maintaining records in the software recurring.

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Our Previous Work

F22Labs can assist you in transforming your vision into a high-quality SaaS application.

What our clients say about us?

FAQs on Saas Development Service

What is SaaS application development?

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What is a SaaS development company?

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Why should you build a custom SaaS application?

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How much does SaaS application development cost?

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What are examples of SaaS products?

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Murtuza Kutub
Murtuza Kutub
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We’d love to hear from you
From crafting the perfect tech stack to a seamless launch, we've got your success covered. Ready to turn your idea into reality? Let's connect!
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